R Objects / Data Structure

  • To make the best of the R language, you'll need a strong understanding of the basic data types and data structures and how to operate on those.

  • Very Important to understand because these are the objects you will manipulate on a day-to-day basis in R. Dealing with object conversions is one of the most common sources of frustration for beginners.

  • Everything in R is an object.

R has many different structures for storing the data you want to analyze. The most commonly used are

  • vectors
  • lists
  • matrices
  • arrays
  • data frames

It can be determined with the function class().

The type or mode of an object defines how it is stored. It could be

  • a character,
  • a numeric value,
  • an integer,
  • a complex number, or
  • a logical value (Boolean value: TRUE/FALSE).

It can be determined with the function typeof(). length() informs you about its size and attributes() if the object has any metadata associated to it.

Example Type
"a", "swc" character
2, 15.5 numeric
2 (Must add a L at end to denote integer) integer
TRUE, FALSE logical
1+4i complex
x <- "dataset"
[1] "character"
y <- 1:10
[1] "integer"
[1] 10
z <- c(1L, 2L, 3L)
[1] "integer"

Below is a short definition and quick example of each of these data structures which you can use to decide which is the best for representing your data in R.


It is the most basic data type. Vectors only have one dimension and all their elements must be the same mode. There are various ways to create vectors. The simplest one is with the c function.

x <- c(1, 2, 5)
[1] 1 2 5
[1] 3

x is a numeric vector. These are the most common kind. They are numeric objects and are treated as double precision real numbers. To explicitly create integers, add an L at the end.

x1 <- c(1L, 2L, 5L)

You can also have logical vectors.


Finally you can have character vectors:

z <- c("Holstein", "Brown Swiss", "Jersey")

The c function allows to combine its arguments. If the arguments are of various modes, they will be reduced to their lowest common type:

x2 <- c(1, 3, "a")
[1] "1" "3" "a"
[1] "character"

This is called implicit coercion. Objects can be explicitly coerced with the as.<class_name> function.

[1] "1" "2" "5"

You can also use the : operator or the seq function:

 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
seq(from = 5, to = 25, by = 5)
[1]  5 10 15 20 25

Other objects

Inf is infinity. You can have either positive or negative infinity.

[1] Inf
[1] 0

NaN means Not a number. It's an undefined value.

[1] NaN

Each object can have attributes. Attributes can be part of an object of R. These include:

  • names
  • dimnames
  • dim
  • class
  • attributes (contain metadata)


A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers. Technically, it is a vector with two additional attributes: number of rows and number of columns. This is what you would use to analyze a spreadsheet full of only numbers, or only words. You can create a matrix with the matrix function:

m <- rbind(c(1, 4), c(2, 2))
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    4
[2,]    2    2
m <- cbind(c(1, 4), c(2, 2))
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    2
[2,]    4    2
[1] 2 2
m <- matrix(data = 1:12, nrow = 4, ncol = 3,
            dimnames = list(c("cow1", "cow2", "cow3", "cow4"),
                c("milk", "fat", "prot")))
     milk fat prot
cow1    1   5    9
cow2    2   6   10
cow3    3   7   11
cow4    4   8   12

Matrices are filled column-wise but you can also use the byrow argument to specify how the matrix is filled.

m <- matrix(1:12, nrow = 4, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE,
            dimnames = list(c("cow1", "cow2", "cow3", "cow4"),
                c("milk", "fat", "prot")))
     milk fat prot
cow1    1   2    3
cow2    4   5    6
cow3    7   8    9
cow4   10  11   12


A list is an ordered collection of objects where the objects can be of different modes.

l <- list("a", "b", "c", TRUE, 4)

Each element of a list can be given a name and referred to by that name. Elements of a list can be accessed by their number or their name.

cow <- list(breed = "Holstein", age = 3, last.prod = c(25, 35, 32))
[1] "Holstein"
[1] "Holstein"

Lists can be used to hold together multiple values returned from a function. For example the elements used to create an histogram can be saved and returned:

h <- hist(islands)

plot of chunk hist

List of 6
 $ breaks  : num [1:10] 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
 $ counts  : int [1:9] 41 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
 $ density : num [1:9] 4.27e-04 2.08e-05 1.04e-05 1.04e-05 1.04e-05 ...
 $ mids    : num [1:9] 1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 13000 15000 17000
 $ xname   : chr "islands"
 $ equidist: logi TRUE
 - attr(*, "class")= chr "histogram"

The function str() is used here. It stands for structure and shows the internal structure of an R object.


Factor is a special type of vector to store categorical values. They can be ordered or unordered and are important for modelling functions such as lm() and glm(), and also in plot methods.

Factors can only contain pre-defined values.

Factors are pretty much integers that have labels on them. While factors look (and often behave) like character vectors, they are actually integers under the hood, and you need to be careful when treating them like strings. Some string methods will coerce factors to strings, while others will throw an error.

Sometimes factors can be left unordered. Example: male, female.

Other times you might want factors to be ordered (or ranked). Example: low, medium, high.

Underlying it is represented by numbers 1, 2, 3.

They are better than using simple integer labels because factors are what are called self describing. male and female is more descriptive than 1s and 2s. Helpful when there is no additional metadata.

Which is male? 1 or 2? You wouldn't be able to tell with just integer data. Factors have this information built in.

Factors can be created with factor(). Input is generally a character vector.

breed <- factor(c("Holstein", "Holstein", "Brown Swiss", "Holstein",
                  "Ayrshire", "Canadian", "Canadian", "Brown Swiss",
                  "Holstein", "Brown Swiss", "Holstein"))
 [1] Holstein    Holstein    Brown Swiss Holstein    Ayrshire   
 [6] Canadian    Canadian    Brown Swiss Holstein    Brown Swiss
[11] Holstein   
Levels: Ayrshire Brown Swiss Canadian Holstein

It stores values as a set of labelled integers. Some functions treat factors differently from numeric vectors.

   Ayrshire Brown Swiss    Canadian    Holstein 
          1           3           2           5 

If you need to convert a factor to a character vector, simply use

 [1] "Holstein"    "Holstein"    "Brown Swiss" "Holstein"    "Ayrshire"   
 [6] "Canadian"    "Canadian"    "Brown Swiss" "Holstein"    "Brown Swiss"
[11] "Holstein"   

In modelling functions, it is important to know what the baseline level is. This is the first factor but by default the ordering is determined by alphabetical order of words entered. You can change this by specifying the levels (another option is to use the function relevel()).

x <- factor(c("yes", "no", "yes"), levels = c("yes", "no"))
[1] yes no  yes
Levels: yes no


If a matrix is a two-dimensional data structure, we can add layers to the data and have further dimensions in addition to rows and columns. These datasets would be arrays. It can be created with the array function:

a <- array(data = 1:24, dim = c(3, 4, 2))

Data frame

Data frames are used to store tabular data: multiple rows, columns and format.

Data frames can have additional attributes such as rownames(), which can be useful for annotating data, like subject_id or sample_id. But most of the time they are not used.

Some additional information on data frames:

  • Usually created by read.csv() and read.table().

  • Can convert to matrix with data.matrix()

  • Coercion will be forced and not always what you expect.

  • Can also create with data.frame() function.

  • Find the number of rows and columns with nrow(df) and ncol(df), respectively.

  • Rownames are usually 1..n.

df <- data.frame(cow = c("Moo-Moo", "Daisy", "Elsie"),
                 prod = c(35, 40, 28),
                 pregnant = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))

Combining data frames

cbind(df, data.frame(z = 4))
      cow prod pregnant z
1 Moo-Moo   35     TRUE 4
2   Daisy   40    FALSE 4
3   Elsie   28     TRUE 4

When you combine column wise, only row numbers need to match. If you are adding a vector, it will get repeated.

Useful functions

  • head() - see first 6 rows
  • tail() - see last 6 rows
  • dim() - see dimensions
  • nrow() - number of rows
  • ncol() - number of columns
  • str() - structure of each column
  • names() - will list the names attribute for a data frame (or any object really), which gives the column names.

A data frame is a special type of list where every element of the list has same length.

See that it is actually a special list:

[1] TRUE
[1] "data.frame"

Missing values

Denoted by NA and/or NaN for undefined mathematical operations.


Check for both.

NA values have a class. So you can have both an integer NA (NA_integer_) and a character NA (NA_character_).

NaN is also NA. But not the other way around.

x <- c(1, 2, NA, 4, 5)
[1]  1  2 NA  4  5
is.na(x)  # returns logical
# shows third
# none are NaN
x <- c(1, 2, NA, NaN, 4, 5)
# shows 2 TRUE
# shows 1 TRUE

Exercise 1

Import the health dataset. This dataset presents the lactations of 500 cows from various herds, providing age, lactation number, presence of milk fever (mf) and/or displaced abomasum (da) coded as 0/1. Have a look at the different variables. What type are they? Would you like to convert any of them to a factor variable? How would you do it? How would you create a variable parity categorizing lactation into the categories 1, 2+ (hint: see ?cut)? check that it creates factors.


health <- read.csv(
    file = "health.csv",
    header = TRUE,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

'data.frame':	1000 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ unique   : chr  "K100-P284" "K100-P284" "K100-P295" "K100-P295" ...
 $ age      : num  6.7 6.7 6.9 6.9 5.9 5.9 6.6 6.6 5.4 5.4 ...
 $ lactation: int  6 6 6 6 4 4 5 5 4 4 ...
 $ disease  : chr  "mf" "da" "mf" "da" ...
 $ presence : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
health$presence <- factor(health$presence, labels = c("No", "Yes"))
health$parity <- cut(health$lactation,
                     breaks = c(0, 1, max(health$lactation)),
                     labels = c("1", "2+"))

Exercise 2

Three hundred and thirty-three cows are milked by a milker wearing gloves and 280 by a milker not wearing gloves. Two hundred cows in each group developed a mastitis. Create the following table and perform a chi-squared test (hint: chisq.test).

  Mastitis No mastitis
Gloves : 200 : : 133 :
No gloves : 200 : : 80 :


tab <- rbind(c(200, 133), c(200, 80))
rownames(tab) <- c("Gloves", "No gloves")
colnames(tab) <- c("Mastitis", "No mastitis")
          Mastitis No mastitis
Gloves         200         133
No gloves      200          80

	Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  tab
X-squared = 8.1761, df = 1, p-value = 0.004245

Review of R data types